Assembly talk @ Broadrick Secondary (Jan)


Ms Lalitha Raj, a teacher in the Environment Committee in Broadrick Secondary, invited Earth Society to conduct an Assembly talk for the school on 14 Jan. This is the 2nd year Broadrick Secondary invited us to conduct a talk in the school.

On 14 Jan, Earth Society team reached Broadrick Secondary at 7.10 am. We conducted a “Environmental Conservation” Assembly talk for Sec 1 to Sec 5 students from 7.30 am to 8.20 am. We presented on Overfishing in our Oceans, Deforestation on our Land, Green House Gas emissions in our Atmosphere, Loss in Biodiversity and Factory farming. We also introduce some environmental heros such as Dr Jane Goodall, Sea Shepherd and Dr James Hansen to the students. Students and teachers listened attentively to the talk.

Teachers’ Feedback

The talk was very informative, backed with a lot of real data and information. Gives students plenty of food for thought. Thank you for the informative and engaging talk about environmental conservation.  – Lalitha Raj, Teacher, BSS

Very informative and relevant to what the students study in biology at upper sec. It would be better if the speaker could speak a little slower. So much nuggets of Gold.                     – Amanda Lee, Teacher, BSS.

Very informative. Good to have more ideas how the audience can live it practically at home besides go green/ veg on Monday. – Lee Lau Yang, AED, T&L


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