Online GW talk @ Engie Services and Logicalis Singapore (Jul)

Mr Justin Teo, an EHS officer in Engie Services Singapore, invited Earth Society to conduct an online Global Warming talk for their staffs on 26 Jul.

On 26 Jul, Earth Society joined Mr Justin Teo (via MS Teams) at 11.45 am. We conducted a Global Warming talk for about 50 staffs from 12 pm to 1 pm. We presented on the effects of Climate change on the world and showcased various solutions that scientists recommended to curb climate change. (Plant trees, Eat less meat, Green energy and 3Rs). We also touched on the issue of deforestation and world hunger. Eugie Service Singapore staffs listened attentively to the talk.

Ms Gerald Choy, a HR intern in Logicalis Singapore, invited Earth Society to conduct an online Global Warming talk for their staffs on 29 Jul.

On 29 Jul, Earth Society joined Ms Gerald Choy (via Webex) at 4.45 am. We conducted a Global Warming talk for about 30 staffs from 5 pm to 6 pm. Logicalis Singapore staffs listened attentively to the talk.
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Feedback from Logicalis Staffs

-. Speaker is patient and knowledgeable on environmental subject.
-. Obtained valuable insights to how extreme weathers are happening more often compared to the past.
-. Learnt about Happy Cow, plant-based diet and the importance of consuming less meat.
– Understand that it is crucial for individuals to partake a lifestyle that contributes to less carbon footprint.

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